Methadone and Kratom

Methadone and Kratom


Methadone and Kratom | Introductory facts, How do they function?, Effects, Side Effects and Overdose.

What Is Methadone?

Methadone, belongs to category of the drugs called opioids, is a prescription drug. It was created by the doctors of Germany during World War III. While United State's doctors used methadone to treat the people with severe pain.

Methadone is taken as a replacement for heroin and can be used alone or with other medications. The other opioids are taken for the treatment of dependence on these drugs. This process is called as the pharmacotherapy in which any drug of dependence is replaced with a prescribed drug. Pharmacotherapy functions in improving the lives of those people who rely on heroin and other opioids. It minimizes the toxicity and addiction correspondent to the drug use and helps in stabilizing condition by the prevention of physical withdrawal.

Brand Names of Methadone

Names of methadone brands in the United States are:

§  Dolophine

§  Diskets Dispersible

§  Methadose

§  Methadone HCl Intensol

How Does Methadone Function?

Methadone functions as a part of the drug detoxification addiction. It responds to pain and provides you relief by revising the way of your brain and nervous system. It is safer than other narcotics such as morphine. If you are suffering from a long-term illness, undergo surgery or in a lot of pain, your doctor may prescribe you methadone. It helps in sustainability of the person who struggles to bring out the positive changes in their life. By using methadone severe health issues are minimized such as hepatitis B and hepatitis C and HIV virulent viruses, skin infections and vein problems.

Effects of Methadone

The effects caused by methadone stay much longer than the effects of heroin. A single dose of methadone stays for about 24 hours, whereas a dose of heroin may last only for a couple of hours. Methadone effects may vary from person to person. Generally it depends on the following factors:

§  Age of methadone user

§  Weight and health of the person

§  User is addicted to it or not

§  The amount taken

Side Effects of Methadone

The possible side effects caused by methadone may include:

o  Severe constipation

o  Vomiting

o  Trouble in breathing ( weak or shallow breathing)

o  Increased rate of heart

o  Lightheadedness

o  Nausea

o  Loss of appetite

o  Sweating ( Make sure to drink almost 2 liters of the water to avoid dehydration)

o  Irregular periods

o  Abdominal cramps

o  Fluttering in the chest

o  Worsening tiredness

o  Lethargy

o  Disturbance in the urinary flow

o  Mental clouding

Overdose of Methadone

Do not overdose the prescribed medicine. In case you are overdose you may call an ambulance straight away by dialing triple zero (000). If you face any of the following symptoms of overdose, call a quick action:

·      Difficulty in flow of urine

·      Depressed breathing

·      Severe constipation

·      Stupor because of augmentation of the drug

·      Swelling of lips, face, tongue, cheeks and throat

·      Collapse

·      Allergic reactions on skin including red rashes

·      Tight chest

Methadone Disposal and Storage

Store methadone:

·      By sealing tightly

·      In the original packing of methadone

·      By keeping out of the reach of children

·      Away from moisture and heat

·      By keeping at the room temperature

Don’t use methadone if it is expired. Consult you doctor or pharmacist in case of any queries.


What is Kratom?

Kratom, derived from the plant Mitragyna speciosa Korth, is a plant preparation with the psychoactive compound mitragynine. Kratom with its main alkaloid, mitragynine is used in Southeast Asia, Thailand, Malaysia, New Guinea and Philippines. The mechanisms of action include the monoaminergic systems and the opioid receptors. The leaves of Kratom tree have different colored veins of red, white and green. These leaves are used for their pharmacological actions and opioid-like analgesic and sedative. They help to sustain energy during labor. [1]

How Does Kratom Function?

Kratom is available in a variety of forms like Kratom capsules, Kratom gum, Kratom tablets, raw leafs, and concentrated extract. The leading active compounds of Kratom are:

·      Alkaloids

·      Mitragynine

·      7-hydroxymitragynine

These compounds function as the partial agonists on the opioid receptors. The percentage of mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine in the Kratom products are:

v 2% mitragynine

v 0.01% and 0.02% 7-hydroxymitragynine

Primarily mitragynine acts on the mu and delta receptors of opioid. The researches performed by Animal studies manifest that the action of mitragynine may take place at the serotonergic and noradrenergic spinal cord pathways. Mitragynine is 13 times more intoxicating than the morphine. The 7-hydroxymitragynine has the higher affinity to attract the receptors of opioid.

Effects of Kratom

Positive Effects

Kratom provides relief from pain, anxiety and depression. It is proved as an exceptional chronic pain treatment and to combat the opioid addiction. It lessens stress and hikes up the mood. Kratom strains strengthen brain activities and improve the memory power. These strains also help in the cognitive process as well.

Kratom is also known as 'antinociceptive' because it inhibits the pain sensation. Therefore, Kratom can be used as a sedative and stimulant. It boosts up your energy level and enhances your concentration. Kratom is also helpful in controlling and monitoring Diabetes. It not only makes you feel soothing but also maximizes your sexual vitality.  A number of the products produced by the Kratom plant have been used to treat several major health problems like intestinal worms, chronic musculoskeletal pain and gastroenteritis. [2]

Side Effects

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) showed that Kratom has negative effects as well that can be toxic.[3]

The common side effects caused by Kratom are:

·      Nausea

·      Sweating

·      Negative interactions

·      Constipation

·      Increased urination

·      Loss of appetite

·      Seizures

·      Weight loss

·      Kidney and liver damage

·      Loss of muscles coordination

·      Dehydration

·      Diarrhea

Long-term effects caused by Kratom may include:

·      Gastrointestinal infections

·      Anorexia Nervosa

·      Darkening of the facial skin

·      Psychosis

Overdose of Kratom

There are no reported numbers on how much Kratom is taken into consideration for overdose but majority of the Kratom admirers overdose it by the usage of 500-600 milligrams of the Kratom powder per capsule while the accustomed quantity is 3-9 grams per capsule. The major symptoms of Kratom overdose include:

o  Chills

o  Wheezed breathing

o  Delusions

o  Hallucinations

o  Coma

o  Higher blood pressure

o  Dry mouth